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Internal Application Format

Turbo uses its own application format described in this chapter.

The main blocks of the application are:

  1. head containing the minimum information necessary for application loading
  2. text section as produced by binutils
  3. data section as produced by binutils


Internal Application Format

To convert the ELF object into the Turbo format we use the patched avr-objdump utility, open source GNU binutils based tool.


Because AVR does not have any memory managemnt unit, the application has to be relocated to some memory position of sufficient size. In other application formats (e.g. ELF) this is usually done by relocation table(s) containing relocation items which are used for application runtime linking. Because Turbo has very limited memory space and we wanted to be able to load application via serial cable we use mixed approach - relocation items are inserted into the text/data (red colored boxes in the above picture). This solution allows linear reading and relocation.


Relocation Item Structure

Each relocation item consists of 3 fields in 5 bytes:
  1. Next Relocation Address, 0xFFFF if there is no next relocation
  2. Relocation Type
  3. Relocation Value

The AVR instruction scheme uses several types of addressing, i.e. there are more different types of relocation as indicated in Relocation Type field. The relocation type is bit coded, following values are OR'ed:

#define TR_AVR_16       0
#define TR_AVR_LO8      1
#define TR_AVR_HI8      2
#define TR_AVR_HH8      3

#define TR_AVR_NEG      4
#define TR_AVR_PM       8

Further the MSB indicates the memory used - if set to 0 then PROGMEM, set to 1 means RAM.



Application Head Structure

The head of Turbo application consists of:
  1. Magic number - 0x01, 0x02
  2. CRC - all following bytes XOR'ed
  3. Offest - skip following offset bytes (e.g. manifest)
  4. Text Length
  5. Data Length
  6. BSS Length
  7. Reloc Start Address - address of the first relocation item
  8. Address of turbo_handler()

Total PROGMEM is Text Length+Data Length, total RAM is Data Length + BSS Length.

Optional manifest can be inserted into the application file/head. The manifest is just a text viewed by user in "Detail" menu. It can be used e.g. for vendor, version, copyright or other info.


Application Manifest


Here we show the real case of the helloworld.

#include <config.h>
#include <turbo/turbo.h>

u8 PROGMEM t_Foo_en[] = "Hello World!";

void action_menu (void *data)
  display_text_raw (t_Foo_en, Q_DISPLAY_TEXT_USER_CLEAR);

void turbo_handler (u8 action, void *data)
  switch (action)
      insert_menu (t_Foo_en);
      stk_thread (action_menu, data);

We get the resulting 133 bytes (102 bytes if without --turbo-tag manifest) long hello_world.trb file:

00000000 01 02 9A 1F 01 1D 56 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 3A 20 31 ......Version: 1 00000010 2E 32 2E 33 20 56 65 6E 64 6F 72 3A 20 42 4C 41 .2.3 Vendor: BLA 00000020 44 4F 58 3A 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 1A 00 48 65 6C DOX>.........Hel 00000030 6C 6F 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 21 00 00 60 E8 12 00 01 lo World!..a.... 00000040 00 00 80 E0 26 00 02 00 00 90 E0 0E 94 8C EE 08 ....&........... 00000050 95 99 27 86 30 91 05 39 F0 0A 97 49 F4 28 00 01 ..'.0..9...I.(.. 00000060 00 00 80 E0 30 00 02 00 00 90 E0 0E 94 DC ED 08 ....0........... 00000070 95 32 00 09 0E 00 80 E0 FF FF 0A 0E 00 90 E0 0E .2.............. 00000080 94 D4 ED 08 95 .....


00000000 <t_Foo_en>:
   0:	48 65       	ori	r20, 0x58	; 88
   2:	6c 6c       	ori	r22, 0xCC	; 204
   4:	6f 20       	and	r6, r15
   6:	57 6f       	ori	r21, 0xF7	; 247
   8:	72 6c       	ori	r23, 0xC2	; 194
   a:	64 21       	and	r22, r4

0000000e <action_menu>:
   e:	60 e8       	ldi	r22, 0x80	; 128
  10:	80 e0       	ldi	r24, 0x00	; RELOC
  12:	90 e0       	ldi	r25, 0x00	; RELOC
  14:	0e 94 00 00 	call	0x0		; display_text_raw(), ABS, fixed by avr-objdump --turbo
  18:	08 95       	ret

0000001a <turbo_handler>:
  1a:	99 27       	eor	r25, r25
  1c:	86 30       	cpi	r24, 0x06	; 6
  1e:	91 05       	cpc	r25, r1
  20:	39 f0       	breq	.+14     	; 0x30
  22:	0a 97       	sbiw	r24, 0x0a	; 10
  24:	49 f4       	brne	.+18     	; 0x38
  26:	80 e0       	ldi	r24, 0x00	; RELOC
  28:	90 e0       	ldi	r25, 0x00	; RELOC
  2a:	0e 94 00 00 	call	0x0		; insert_menu(), ABS, fixed by avr-objdump --turbo
  2e:	08 95       	ret
  30:	80 e0       	ldi	r24, 0x00	; RELOC
  32:	90 e0       	ldi	r25, 0x00	; RELOC
  34:	0e 94 00 00 	call	0x0		; stk_thread(), ABS, fixed by avr-objdump --turbo
  38:	08 95       	ret

Copyright © 2004-2006 BLADOX
Turbo version 1.2