Notes, Readers and Drivers Setup

Following demos show various use of Waver in tutorial, step by step form. Focus is on user scenarios ("how it can be done"), not on proper implementation of all security mechanisms, which can be found in textbooks or in another 3rd party examples/projects. Contactless reader is accessed directly from Web Browser with the help of CPA (Card Proxy Applet), i.e. it is neccessary to have Java installed and JavaScript allowed.

These demos have been tested with various operating systems and browsers, notably MS Windows with Explorer and Firefox and Linux Fedora 8 (with default PC/SC v1.3.3 and Firefox).

As for readers we recommend the Tikitag/Touchatag reader, which is re-branded ACR122U. Windows drivers are available either from Touchatag site or directly from ACR Producer. For Linux ACR122U is supported by CCID 1.3.9 Driver. If Tikitag/Touchatag/ACR122U is detected by CPA appropriate wrapper is used (the reader/driver is not PC/SC but CCID only).

As for popular Omnikey 5321 reader there seems to be some issue with both Windows and Linux drivers. In case of Windows the Waver is detected at good distance but connection is lost in a moment. In case of Linux the distance is not that good with default installation. It turns out this is due the /etc/cmrfid.ini file, we recommend to delete it (it doesn't matter the actual content of the file, the problem is its presence itself, seems like some driver initiation bug). When deleted the reading distance is same like in Windows but connection is stable and not lost.

All the demos use (preselect for the simplicity sake) the last reader available, i.e. we recommend to have only one reader connected. In case of the multi-reader (e.g. the Omnikey 5321) the last one is used. Terminal/reader setup can be tested in List Terminals.

CPA for accessing smartcard readers from browser is implemented, copyrighted and provided for demo purpose by Simulity.

Waver Demos and Tutorials
Checkout Online payment checkout
Identity Identity
Checkout with Identity Online payment checkout with identity provided
Login User/Password Login User/Password
Login User/OTP Login User and One Time Password
Phone Number Show user predefined phone number for e.g. sending ringtone to.
Link Opens browser to URL provided by reader.
Mifare Access Mifare blocks.
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