/* * Turbo Programmer Utilities, turbo-prog-utils, www.bladox.com * * Copyright (C) 2004 BLADOX, s.r.o. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. */ #include <config.h> #include <tprog/tprog.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #define DEFAULT_SIM_CLK_DIV 2 #define DEFAULT_F 372 #define DEFAULT_D 1 #define DEFAULT_DIVIDER (DEFAULT_F/DEFAULT_D) u16 simUbrr; #define SIM_TX_SM_STATE1 (1) #define SIM_TX_SM_STATE2 (2) u8 uartTxStateMachine; #define SIM_UART_RX_FIFO_SIZE 8 u8 uartRxFifo[SIM_UART_RX_FIFO_SIZE]; u8 uartRxFifoNumOfChars; u8 uartRxFifoTail; u8 uartRxFifoHead; u8 inverseConvention; void init_vars () { uartRxFifoHead = 0; uartRxFifoTail = 0; uartRxFifoNumOfChars = 0; simUbrr = ((DEFAULT_SIM_CLK_DIV * DEFAULT_DIVIDER) / 8) - 1; uartTxStateMachine = SIM_TX_SM_STATE1; inverseConvention = 0; } void init_uart (void) { //set mode to double speed outb (SIM_UART_UCSRA, 0x02); // enable receive complete interrupt // disable transmit complete interrupt // enable receiver // disable transmitter because of RXD and TXD connected together // to not output log.1 to TXD and RXD // we enable transmitter before each char will be send outb (SIM_UART_UCSRB, 0x90); // asynchronous mode // 8 bit data, even parity, 1 stop bit outb (SIM_UART_UCSRC, 0x26); // set baud rate register to DEFAULT_DIVIDER outb (SIM_UART_UBRRH, (simUbrr >> 8)); outb (SIM_UART_UBRRL, (simUbrr & 0xFF)); while (uart_chars () != 0) uart_get_char (); } u8 getInverseConventionChar (u8 directConventionChar) { u8 retVal; u8 i; u8 mask; u8 maskInv; retVal = 0; mask = 128; maskInv = 1; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if ((directConventionChar & mask) != 0) retVal |= maskInv; mask = mask >> 1; maskInv = maskInv << 1; } retVal = ~retVal; return retVal; } u8 uart_chars (void) { u8 tmpRxChars; cli (); tmpRxChars = uartRxFifoNumOfChars; sei (); return tmpRxChars; } u8 uart_get_char (void) { u8 tmpTail; cli (); if (uartRxFifoNumOfChars > 0) { uartRxFifoNumOfChars--; sei (); tmpTail = uartRxFifoTail; if (uartRxFifoTail < (SIM_UART_RX_FIFO_SIZE - 1)) uartRxFifoTail++; else uartRxFifoTail = 0; return uartRxFifo[tmpTail]; } else { sei (); return 0; } } void uart_send_char (u8 txValue) { u8 txValueTmp; u8 iTmp; u8 interrupts; //store global interrupt enable bit interrupts = (inb (SREG) & (1 << SREG_I)); //cli(); //check if inverse convention is active if (inverseConvention != 0) txValueTmp = getInverseConventionChar (txValue); else txValueTmp = txValue; if (uartTxStateMachine == SIM_TX_SM_STATE1) { // execute delay before transmitting char //do delay interval delayMs (3); uartTxStateMachine = SIM_TX_SM_STATE2; } // disable receive complete interrupt // disable receiver outb (SIM_UART_UCSRB, (inb (SIM_UART_UCSRB) & 0x6F)); //TXD1 pin to log.1 sbi (SIM_TXD_PORT, SIM_TXD_PORT_PIN); //TXD1 pin change direction to output only when transmitting char sbi (SIM_TXD_DDR, SIM_TXD_DDR_DD); // enable transmitter outb (SIM_UART_UCSRB, (inb (SIM_UART_UCSRB) | 0x08)); // send txValueTmp to UDR register sbi (SIM_UART_UCSRA, TXC); outb (SIM_UDR, txValueTmp); loop_until_bit_is_set (SIM_UART_UCSRA, TXC); sbi (SIM_UART_UCSRA, TXC); // disable transmitter outb (SIM_UART_UCSRB, (inb (SIM_UART_UCSRB) & 0xF7)); // set TXD1 pin to log.1 sbi (SIM_TXD_PORT, SIM_TXD_PORT_PIN); //TXD1 pin change direction to input to allow receiving cbi (SIM_TXD_DDR, SIM_TXD_DDR_DD); // clear TXC flag (write log.1 to it) sbi (SIM_UART_UCSRA, TXC); //restore global interrupt enable bit if (interrupts != 0) sei (); // enable receive complete interrupt // enable receiver outb (SIM_UART_UCSRB, (inb (SIM_UART_UCSRB) | 0x90)); } void init_sim_port () { led_on (LED_SIM); // clear RXC flag (write log.1 to it) sbi (SIM_UART_UCSRA, RXC); // clear TXC flag (write log.1 to it) sbi (SIM_UART_UCSRA, TXC); // set baud rate to enhanced value from PTS outb (SIM_UART_UBRRH, (simUbrr >> 8)); outb (SIM_UART_UBRRL, (simUbrr & 0xFF)); //use alternative clk for sim instead of 8mhz sysctem clk //4Mhz for now generated on OCR1A pin //SIM_CLKA_ENABLE /set pin to log.1 (active high) //(in SIM_MODE CLKA is connected) sbi (SIM_CLKA_ENABLE_PORT, SIM_CLKA_ENABLE_PORT_PIN); //SIM_RX //let it set to input //set pin to log.1 sbi (SIM_RXD_PORT, SIM_RXD_PORT_PIN); cbi (SIM_RXD_DDR, SIM_RXD_DDR_DD); //SIM_TX //let it set to output //set pin to log.0 cbi (SIM_TXD_PORT, SIM_TXD_PORT_PIN); sbi (SIM_TXD_DDR, SIM_TXD_DDR_DD); //SIM_RST //change direction to output //set pin to log.0 cbi (SIM_RST_PORT, SIM_RST_PORT_PIN); sbi (SIM_RST_DDR, SIM_RST_DDR_DD); //SIM_RST_ENABLE //set pin to log.1 //(in SIM_MODE SIM_RST is connected) ext_sbi (EXT_SIM_RST_ENABLE_PORT, EXT_SIM_RST_ENABLE_PORT_PIN); //SIM_IO_ENABLE //set pin to log.1 //(in SIM_MODE SIM_IO is connected) ext_sbi (EXT_SIM_IO_ENABLE_PORT, EXT_SIM_IO_ENABLE_PORT_PIN); } void uart_irq () { // next SIM char transmit will execute delay before transmitting char uartTxStateMachine = SIM_TX_SM_STATE1; // store received character to SIM RX FIFO if (inverseConvention != 0) uartRxFifo[uartRxFifoHead] = getInverseConventionChar (inb (SIM_UDR)); else uartRxFifo[uartRxFifoHead] = inb (SIM_UDR); uartRxFifoNumOfChars++; if (uartRxFifoHead < (SIM_UART_RX_FIFO_SIZE - 1)) uartRxFifoHead++; else uartRxFifoHead = 0; } void uart_change_parity (void) { // asynchronous mode // odd parity outb (SIM_UART_UCSRC, inb (SIM_UART_UCSRC) | 0x10); }
Copyright © 2004 BLADOX | Turbo Programmer version 2.0